Chair of Nottingham Refugee Forum HR Sub-Committee

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Nottingham & Nottinghamshire Refugee Forum
Location(s): Mapperley
Address where volunteering takes place: The Sycamore centre 33a Hungerhill Road St. Ann's Nottingham NG3 4NB
How many places are on offer?
Purpose of Role:
Become a Chair of Nottingham Refugee Forum HR Sub-Committee to support asylum seekers and refugees in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire in gaining just outcomes, rebuilding their lives and integrating into society
Sub-committee role
The chair or vice chair of the Board is also a member of the sub-group. Many of the tasks below are done in partnership with others but the HR trustee retains overall responsibility under the delegation of authority document. Trustees have to voted on to the Board at the annual November AGM. We are asking for people to put themselves forward for this. A trustee term is 3 years, with the option of a second 3 year term.
The Board meets every 2 months on a Monday evening 6-8pm, and trustees are expected to attend. There are also sub-groups that meet in the day time, on various dates arranged by the sub-committee.

-Convene and chair HR committee meetings, including managing the agenda.
-Ensure accountability through regular reports from the Director/Dep Director or other relevant staff member on:
staff vacancies and appointments
welfare and morale of staff and volunteers and on steps being taken to support staff.
training and staff development which is being undertaken.
-Ensure proper policies and procedures are being followed, in line with the agreed Policies and Procedures of NNRF. 
-Ensure liaison with the Union on new policies and pay review.
-Ensure advice is sought from approved HR consultants where required.
-Ensure that NNRF is aware of good practice or changes to legal practice and to seek guidance so that policies and practice can be drawn up to cover this. Guidance from HR consultants may be needed with such matters.
-Monitor risk and identify concerns using the risk register.
-To refer matters to sub-groups of the HR committee, which may or may not involve the Chair (e.g. Policies group or Sickness and Absence reviews.)

Panel membership
-To occasionally attend panel meetings where this is required in the HR policy (such as Disciplinary or Grievance).
-To assist in senior appointment panels.

Accountability to board
-Attendance and HR reporting at bi-monthly board meetings.
-To take back to the committee items which are raised at the Board for the committee’s consideration.

Staff wellbeing
-To ensure that exit interviews are held with all staff leaving the organisation. A written report is presented to the Director and Chair, and interviews are periodically considered by HR committee.
-To ensure the staff survey is undertaken and actions are reported. NB this can be delegated.
-HR Experience
- Interpersonal skills
- Communication skills (written and verbal)
- Organisation
-Time Management

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this opportunity.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Are there age restrictions for this opportunity? Yes
Age Restrictions:
18 or over
Are there gender restrictions for this opportunity? No
Gender restrictions:
Is the opportunity accessible to disabled people? Yes
Disability restrictions:
This opportunity is accessible to disabled people. However, please note that there are stairs with no lift access at Nottingham Refugee Forum. Please update Jennie on your disability to ensure that we can accommodate your disability and/or make accommodations where possible.
How long before volunteer can expect a response?
1-2 weeks
How long to complete training and recruitment?
Recruitment will end in November 2024. Training will take around 1 month to complete
Volunteer Expenses offered? Yes
Induction and Training offered? Yes
Support and Supervision offered? Yes
Has a risk assessment been carried out? Yes
DBS Disclosure required? No
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