Sign up to our E-Bulletins

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All the latest news, jobs, events and information for Nottingham's voluntary and community sector in your inbox.

The NCVS e-bulletin is sent out fortnightly (usually on a Thursday) to many individuals and organisations across Nottingham’s communities. We aim to highlight items which will be of interest and benefit to Nottingham’s diverse voluntary and community sector, and to its partners.

Occasionally, where there are important developments in the sector, we may issue bulletins more frequently, and/or the scheduled date may be subject to change. You can look back on past e-bulletins on our E-bulletin Archive page.

Sign up below. (You may also be interested in our various professional Network mailing lists or our GreenSpace (green social prescribing) bulletin),

NCVS e-bulletin sign up

Your Details

Data Privacy:

NCVS uses the information you provide on this form to send our fortnightly e-bulletin. Very occasionally we send special interim e-bulletins where we believe the information has key significance for the local voluntary and community sector, and to avoid missing important deadlines. Your details will be stored in a list on the NCVS database, and will remain on our systems until you tell us you no longer wish to receive the e-bulletin.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of our communications, we gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies.

We do not use the information on this form for any other purpose and your data will not be shared outside of NCVS. You have the right to ask for access to any of the personal information that NCVS holds about you.

You may unsubscribe at any time by clicking a link within each e-bulletin. Alternatively, you can email to request data changes.

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