Apply for Leader of Volunteers account

Please use this form to apply for a ‘Leader of Volunteers’ role on the NCVS website. This role has special permissions so we need to ask a few questions to ensure you are the most appropriate contact in your organisation to use this functionality.

Please don't use this form to submit new volunteering opportunities for your organisation. These details can be submitted later, by you, once we approve your account. Or we will add details on your behalf, if more appropriate.

On this form, we want to know about you and why a 'Leader of Volunteers' account will assist you.

Once we have approved your application, you will be able to log in to add, update and manage promotion of your organisation’s volunteering opportunities through the NCVS website.

You will receive an email confirming when an account has been created for you. We may contact you in the meantime if we need further information.

Max. 200 words
Would you like to be added to the Leaders of Volunteers Network mailing list?

This mailing list keeps you informed about the latest volunteering news and details of quarterly Leaders of Volunteers Network meetings. The Network is facilitated by NCVS.

Data Privacy:

By submitting this form, you agree that your details can be added to the NCVS customer relationship database. NCVS uses the information you provide on this form to assess whether you are eligible to have a 'Leader of Volunteers' account created. An account will not automatically be created. We will email you with further information about your user login.

If you have chosen to join the Leaders of Volunteers Network mailing list, we will send regular emails about the Leaders of Volunteers Network meetings. Very occasionally we send special interim e-bulletins where we believe the information has key significance for the local voluntary and community sector, and to avoid missing important deadlines. Your details will be stored in a list on the NCVS database, and will remain on our systems until you tell us you no longer wish to receive this e-bulletin.

In order to monitor the effectiveness of our communications, we gather statistics around email opening and clicks using industry standard technologies.

We do not use the information on this form for any other purpose and your data will not be shared outside of NCVS. You have the right to ask for access to any of the personal information that NCVS holds about you.

You may update your mailing list subscription information and unsubscribe at any time by clicking a link within each e-bulletin. Alternatively, you can email to request data changes.

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