Does your organisation involve volunteers?
One of our key objectives at NCVS is to improve the quality of volunteering and breadth of volunteering opportunities across Nottingham City.
We have resources to assist you with:
- Volunteer recruitment and retention.
- Your own personal and professional development as a Leader of Volunteers.
- Volunteer management and development.
We welcome all Leaders of Volunteers
Are you a Leader of Volunteers? We include in this description anyone who recruits, manages, co-ordinates, or otherwise leads volunteers. If you are a Nottingham City-based not-for-profit or statutory organisation then we can help you to find and recruit volunteers. You can advertise your volunteer roles free of charge through our Volunteer Centre. We also advertise through community events, local businesses, local media and social media.
If NCVS hasn't worked with your organisation previously we will arrange a discussion (this could be by phone or online), to find out more about your organisation, and whether you have other development needs which could influence your capacity to recruit and support volunteers.
If you require a more bespoke, more guaranteed recruitment of volunteers for an event or service, email us to discuss our paid for services.
Add your organisation's volunteer opportunities to our website
We make it easy for potential volunteers to learn about your organisation. At no charge to you.
We advertise hundreds of local volunteer opportunities through our searchable online database, so we get a lot of visitors. Our automated email system sends expressions of interest from people you may not reach elsewhere, increasing the likelihood of your roles being filled.
Talk to us about how we can best help your organisation. We'll upload details for you, if necessary. We also offer a self-service facility, allowing you to manage and update opportunities on our website with a free Leader of Volunteers account.
If you regularly recruit volunteers and haven't already signed up for a Leader of Volunteers account, you can request a login to this website. This gives you great flexibility to manage your organisation's volunteer needs from anywhere at any time. Potential volunteers can search our database and send an email directly to you through the site to register their interest in a role.
It's not necessary to have a Leader of Volunteers account for your organisation's volunteer opportunities to appear on our website. We do a best practice check with everyone who requests a Leader of Volunteers login, or asks for support to develop their organisation's volunteer opportunities, so we will discuss the best approach with you.
Login now if you already have a Leader of Volunteers account.
Request a login if you don't yet have an account.
Once we have approved your application, you will be able to log in to add, update and manage promotion of your organisation’s volunteering opportunities through this website.
Book onto our training and development courses
We run regular training sessions to help Leaders of Volunteers develop their skills and ensure that they're up to date with the latest volunteering guidelines and best practice advice.
Our training considers a range of volunteer management issues, covering the essentials, plus in-depth topics, e.g. addressing barriers that potential volunteers face, dealing with conflict in your volunteer team, and writing opportunities to attract new volunteers. You will also be able to keep up with an understanding of volunteers and the law.
Visit our Training Courses page to find out when the next sessions are running.
Talk to others in similar roles
Outside of organised training sessions, we provide opportunities for you to build relationships and learn from others in similar roles.
You may wish to take part in our Leaders of Volunteers Network (LoVN) which meets quarterly online. There are also occasional LoVN Extra meetings, giving an opportunity to meet in-person.
The network provides a friendly, informal space for anyone who recruits, manages, co-ordinates, or otherwise leads volunteers, to meet, share ideas and make new connections.
Join the Leaders of Volunteers Network
Share best practice resources
We've listed some initial guidance and links for Volunteer Leaders on our Best practice resources page.

The Volunteer Centre at NCVS is part of a network of accredited Volunteer Centres across England. We hold the Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA), ensuring our local communities have access to high quality local infrastructure and volunteer centre support.