Voluntary sector networks and cross-sector networks help your organisation develop skills and contribute to strategic planning, co-production and delivery of services. Networks aim to bring organisations together to work in partnership to benefit the people of Nottingham.
Networks facilitated by NCVS
NCVS facilitates a number of peer support and service provider networks. Membership is free. All we ask is that you tell us about your organisation's work so we can make sure you are sent the right information. Follow the links to read more and to register to join.
- Nottingham Voluntary Sector Provider Network
Nottingham Voluntary Sector Provider Network is the new, combined name for the Children and Young People's Providers Network (CYPPN) and Vulnerable Adults' Providers Network (VAPN), which used to meet separately. Membership is open to any community and voluntary organisation providing services or support in Nottingham. Your organisation needn't be based in the City but you must be providing services to people who do live within Nottingham City boundaries (and/or immediate surrounding areas).
- Leaders of Volunteers Network (LoVN)
Do you recruit, manage, co-ordinate, or otherwise lead volunteers in Nottingham City? If so, get involved in the Leaders of Volunteers Network. This is a new name for what was previously known as the Volunteer Coordinators' Network.
- Nottingham Communications Group (NCG)
Specifically for people working in the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Nottingham, we welcome anyone who has responsibility for communications and marketing within their organisation. It doesn't matter what your job title happens to be. We often have many roles.
Other City-wide Networks
There are many other formal and informal networks across Nottingham which enhance partnerships and information-sharing. Most are open to all voluntary, community and social enterprise partners with an interest in the relevant issue; others have a specific membership or representation structure. NCVS feeds information into and/or participates in the following:
- One Nottingham VCS Strategy Board
Supports the VCS One Nottingham Board members and aims to improve the strategic voice of the sector in Nottingham. Although supporting the One Nottingham Board, the group is independent of One Nottingham and free to prioritise any areas of work it sees as appropriate. Please note that VCS details on the One Nottingham website require updating, but follow the link for some background. To find out more, email juless@nottinghamcvs.co.uk.
Current members include representatives from Nottingham CVS, Nottingham Women’s Centre, Base 51, Groundwork, Framework, Nottingham Equal, Castle Cavendish, Opportunity Nottingham, SSBC, Self Help UK, Nottingham Refugee Forum, The Prince’s Trust, Canal and River Trust.
- Women's Organisations Network (WON)
Are you involved in a women's organisation or an organisation providing services and support to women in Nottingham? Get involved with WON - Women's Organisations Network - an informal forum for groups and projects that work with women to meet, learn about each other, and share support. WON meets quarterly at Nottingham Women's Centre. Please note this is a women-only space. To find out more visit the link above or email zaimal@nottinghamwomenscentre.com.