PDU Training: Working therapeutically with grief

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Are you looking to develop your skills to support people who experience prolonged or traumatic grief?

This half day course will help you to acquire skills, knowledge and strategies to use in your workplace and everyday life to work with traumatic grief and difficult memories and emotions associated with bereavement and loss.

Where is the training delivered?
This is a half day course lasting three and a half hours, with scheduled breaks.

All sessions will be delivered online via Zoom.

Dates and times:
Session times will be scheduled soon. Keep an eye on this page for updates.

Please email us at pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk to join the waiting list if you want to be informed when the dates are live. 

What will you learn?
This interactive workshop is designed specifically to cover evidence-based therapeutic work with loss and grief.  

This session is focused on prolonged or traumatic grief and how to use an Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach.

The training will cover:

  • Risk factors for Prolonged Grief
  • Working with Traumatic Grief and difficult memories in grief
  • Exploring grief emotions and meanings
  • An Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach to Grief – when and how to use ACT with loss
  • Exercises for supporting people in loss (and ourselves)
  • Resources and signposting

Please note: this training is designed to upskill people in their knowledge, skills and confidence to support people who are grieving. This course is NOT a grief support group, or a space to receive bereavement support/therapy. It is a training programme designed to improve the way we respond to and identify grief and traumatic bereavement locally. 

What you will learn and who the course is for - repeats text on page in visual form

Who should sign up?

This training is targeted specifically at individuals working directly with service users or with a remit for supporting staff wellbeing. It has a focus on supporting people who experience prolonged or traumatic grief.

Please note: We strongly advise that people taking part in this training first complete the “How to support those who are grieving” course, to ensure they have a baseline understanding of grief and grief models in which to apply this learning.

Do I need to have therapy qualifications to take part?

  • No. Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) does not require specific therapy qualifications.
  • You do not need to have pre-existing knowledge of ACT to take part in this training. However, we would recommend taking advantage of our free e-learning package “ACT on Wellbeing” that offers an introduction to the concept of Acceptance Commitment Therapy and it’s guiding principles. There are 4 modules in total.
  • You can access our e-learning through the PDU online Hub.
  • These can be accessed at any time and allow learners to study at their own pace.

Read our ACT leaflet

Read more about the PDU E-Learning Suite

About our trainers
Our trainers have received bespoke training developed by a clinical psychologist from The Loss Foundation who specialises in bereavement support and contemporary psychological models of grief. A range of local organisations have agreed to support the roll out of this initiative and will be offered continued support over the next year to do this through the PDU and the Framework psychology team.

Is there a cost?
This partnership initiative has been funded by Framework, Nottingham Changing Futures and Nottingham City Council. It is free to take part and open to people working in Nottingham and neighbouring areas.

There is no cost to attend. However, failure to attend without notice will be classed as no show and may prevent you from being permitted to take part in future PDU training sessions.

Any questions?
Read more background to our Bereavement and Loss Training Project.

For more information please contact pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk

Share with your networks
We have designed training posters to share with your networks:

PDU Bereavement and Loss Training posters

This work is supported by:

Nottingham City Place-Based Partnership logo