Severn Trent: Core funding

This fund closed to applications on Sunday 1 September 2024, 12 midnight

Severn Trent has funding of between £5,000 and £20,000 (depending on the size of the organisation) for one year to help not-for-profit groups get through this incredibly challenging time. This funding is for groups that deliver a vital service for local residents and improve wider community wellbeing, especially supporting those most vulnerable.

This support will be available to not-for-profit organisations that: 

  • Deliver a vital service for local residents and improve wider community wellbeing, especially by supporting those most vulnerable.
  • Have been operating since 2021 or before.
  • Have an annual income of £250,000 or less (averaged over the past 3 years). 

If an organisation is faith-based, they are eligible to apply as long as the request is for community work, e.g., food banks or warm hubs. We cannot fund the practice of religion or any activities that actively promote religion or particular belief systems. Sports groups, Scouts, Girl Guides, Cadets, or statutory bodies are not eligible for this stream.

Click here to read more and apply



Date Posted