Embrace The Big Help Out as part of Volunteers' Week

Dave Thomas, Volunteering Development Officer at NCVS, continues his series of articles in support of Leaders of Volunteers. This time, Dave shares his thoughts about Volunteers' Week, which starts on Monday 3 June, and the arrival of The Big Help Out.


Celebrate, thank and recruit

This year, Volunteers' Week will celebrate its 40th anniversary. I remember the very first one!

For the second year running, Volunteers' Week coincides with The Big Help Out. Last year, The Big Help Out was very successful in attracting the level of publicity in the mainstream media that Volunteers' Week has only rarely achieved. Can we harness this publicity for us in Nottingham?

While the core message of Volunteers' Week is about celebrating and thanking existing volunteers, The Big Help Out offers an opportunity to recruit new volunteers.

Making use of The Big Help Out

The Big Help Out’s aim is to galvanise communities and bolster volunteering across the UK. I really believe that participating in this high-profile campaign can significantly benefit your organisation and the wider community.

The Big Help Out provides an online platform for organisations like yours, to showcase their work and attract a broader volunteer base. By engaging with this initiative, you can enhance your visibility and reach potential volunteers who are eager to make a difference. The campaign's extensive publicity can amplify your message, highlighting the critical services you provide to Nottingham and beyond.

Your involvement in this campaign just might connect you with enthusiastic, dedicated individuals who bring fresh energy and ideas. This influx of new volunteers can help diversify your team, bringing in varied skills and perspectives that enrich your service delivery.

But let’s be realistic; “influx” may be a bit optimistic. One or two more volunteers may be more realistic, but no less of a positive outcome.

The Big Help Out should help foster a sense of community and shared purpose. Getting involved, your volunteer programme will be positioned within a larger network, encouraging collaboration. This collective effort can lead to innovative solutions for community challenges, enhancing the impact of your services.

How to get involved

As well as getting your opportunities advertised on the NCVS website, make use of the additional publicity The Big Help Out brings.

  1. Register your organisation
    Visit The Big Help Out website and complete the registration form to officially join the campaign. Provide details about your organisation and the types of volunteer opportunities you offer.
  2. Create engaging volunteer opportunities
    Share specific volunteer roles or projects that potential volunteers can sign up for. Be clear about the skills required and the impact these roles will have in the community. You can use the same ones that are on the NCVS website.
  3. Promote your involvement
    Utilise social media, newsletters, and local media to spread the word about your participation in The Big Help Out. Highlight the benefits of volunteering with your organisation, and share the inspiring stories of current volunteers.
  4. Host an event
    Host an open day or special event to invite interested individuals to learn more about your organisation, meet current volunteers, and sign up to get involved.
  5. Collaborate with other organisations
    Connect with other local groups participating in The Big Help Out. Share resources, ideas, and support to maximize the impact of your collective efforts.

If you do any of these, let us know at NCVS, and we will help with your promotion.

In essence, The Big Help Out is not just a campaign; it's seeking to become a catalyst for growth and community engagement. By participating, your organisation can expand its reach, recruit passionate volunteers, and become part of what could become a powerful movement driving positive change.

What do you think?

  • What do you think about the two themes of celebration and recruitment? 
  • Would it be better to celebrate in Volunteers' Week and recruit at another time?
  • How are you engaging with next week?

Let me know davet@nottinghamcvs.co.uk or 07564 040767



Date Posted
Dave Thomas Volunteering Development Officer at NCVS