The Big Green Book

The Big Green Book cover - click to view pdf

Directory of nature-based activity providers

The Big Green Book has been developed as part of the GreenSpace Green Social Prescribing Project and it is a directory of nature-based activities and opportunities around Nottingham City. Some of the provider activities in this City version may extend into parts of the county.

It is designed to be used by social prescribers and healthcare workers who want to find activities for their clients, as well as individuals who are looking for an activity to get involved in. The information is organised by location, to help people choose an activity that is local and easily accessible to them. The book outlines the facilities available and details of the level of mental health need that each group is able to support, to ensure people are able to access activities that are suitable for their needs.

Open The Big Green Book - City version

(File format: pdf; Version 9; 30 July 2024; File size: 1.2MB)

This is our ninth edition of the book (July 2024) and we continue to be grateful for any feedback you may have. If you want to let us know about whether or not you find it useful, if there's anything missing or inaccurate, or if there's anything you feel we could improve, please get in touch at

We will update the book at regular intervals (currently at least quarterly) and the latest version can always be accessed from this page.

We hope you will find the information in The Big Green Book useful and that you will discover some wonderful new opportunities to get out and about amongst nature to improve your own mental and physical health and to support others in doing so too.

Travel Well Big Green Books

Following on from the success of our original Big Green Book, special Travel Well editions of The Big Green Book have been developed by NCVS to support the Active Travel social prescribing pilot project in specific areas of Nottingham City. These were first made available in May 2024.

There are three editions of the Travel Well Big Green Book, divided into Nottingham City West, Nottingham City North, and Nottingham City East. View them here.

These special editions are all about unleashing the active traveller in you, guiding you to connect with friendly, community-based teams and activities promoting walking, cycling, and wheeling.

The Big Green Book throughout Nottinghamshire

Our City version of The Big Green Book contains some county-wide activities, as well as some just outside the city boundary. Versions for specified parts of the county could become a possibility if local partners are interested to develop these. Rushcliffe is the latest example.

A new Big Green Book for Rushcliffe launched in July 2023. This was developed with the support of the GreenSpace project at NCVS. The Rushcliffe book is now delivered in partnership with Rushcliffe Borough Council, Rushcliffe Primary Care Network and NCVS and sets out local activities and groups across the Borough to help people choose an activity that is local and easily accessible to them.

If other boroughs throughout Nottinghamshire would like to understand how to go about developing their own Big Green Book, the GreenSpace project has a toolkit to share. Please email to find out more.