Nottingham City Homeless Health Network

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What is Nottingham City Homeless Health Network?

This is a collaborative cross sector forum that meets every two months to ensure systems across the city are responsive to the support needs of those suffering health inequalities, with a focus on people experiencing homelessness and/or Severe Multiple Disadvantage (SMD).

It is delivered collaboratively by the Practice Development Unit (PDU) with Changing Futures and Nottingham City General Practice Alliance (NCGPA), with support of the SMD GP Centre of Excellence.

This group has been established to support effective partnership between Voluntary Sector organisations and NHS front line workers to assist people experiencing homelessness and SMD in Nottingham City, especially in regards to their access to primary care.

Who can join?
This group is open to any individual from the voluntary sector working with homeless people, especially when their work includes interactions with NHS services, as well as colleagues working in an operational role in primary care.

Representatives from other agencies and individuals with a direct interest in primary care or homelessness/SMD might also be invited to the Network.

Membership includes the homeless health team, street outreach, supported accommodation providers, day services, food banks, faith-based groups, specialist health and SMD specialist providers.


The group meets quarterly on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm to 2.30pm. All our sessions are online and are facilitated via Microsoft Teams.

Our confirmed dates for 2025 are:

  • 12 February
  • 7 May
  • 13 August
  • 12 November

Do I have to attend all the meetings?
Our network is rooted in partnership. We want to ensure a diverse range of services and voices are represented. We understand that organisations are busy and certain individuals may not be able to attend every meeting. We ask that organisations select a representative to attend our network and nominate a stand in if they cannot attend to ensure continuity of the membership.

What can I expect from attending?
A supportive peer led forum with a wide cross agency membership.

  • Opportunities to ask questions to the Homeless Health/ Mental Health Teams
  • Local service updates
  • Details of upcoming training and network opportunities
  • Discussion of current case studies
  • Support for escalation pathways

We have a link for people to submit content for discussion ahead of our sessions. This provides members with opportunities to ask for help and identify system barriers submit case studies, escalate issues to strategic partnerships, as well as share knowledge/ expertise and highlight areas of good practice.

Key topics likely to be discussed in our meetings include:

  • Access to primary care
  • Deregistration from GPs
  • Managing difficult situations
  • Digital exclusion
  • Language issues
  • Non-attendance of appointments
  • Local Enhanced Service Contract / Developments

We also share updates of joint projects with local SMD lived experience groups.

Want to learn more?

We have created a briefing pack to explain the context to our group and share details of the format and content of our meetings and the benefits of membership, as well as a network poster. View a copy and share as appropriate with your networks.

Homeless Health Network Briefing Pack

Homeless Health Network Poster

How can I get on the Homeless Health Network mailing list?
Please email the Practice Development Unit (PDU) Team: