Cost of Living

Resources to support VCSE organisations through the cost of living crisis

Many community groups and charities will be experiencing higher demand from their users and beneficiaries, while coping with rising running costs. Some groups and organisations may wonder if they can continue to operate. There are no easy solutions. This page aims to collect useful resources in one place so that you can potentially find guidance more quickly.

Some of the links and resources below will have featured in past NCVS e-bulletins. You may be signed up to the e-bulletin already, and remember reading something, but not recall how to find it again. This page is a guide to relevant information around the cost of living crisis and will be regularly updated with events you can participate in.


Information specific to Nottingham

NCVS e-bulletin
Sign up to our fortnightly e-bulletin to be sure you receive the latest information directly to your inbox.

Nottingham City Council cost of living support
Find activities and support in Nottingham on the 'Money' pages of the Ask Lion website.
You can also view / download this latest cost of living booklet (pdf) from Nottingham City Council.

Nottingham Financial Resilience Partnership
For information on money help services or on financial resilience work generally, contact Emma Bates. Telephone 01332 460466 or email

Warm Spaces in Nottingham
Nottingham City Council, partners, community and voluntary organisations, have opened up a number of buildings as warm spaces for any resident to freely access and stay warm during their opening hours. These welcoming spaces, at the heart of our communities, offer somewhere for residents to go to keep warm, meet other people, or even an alternative place to work other than their own home. Some of the spaces may also offer refreshments and activities, as well as information on how to reduce bills and access support.
You can also view warm spaces information in a different format on the Transforming Notts Together website.


Cost of living events and live briefings

Citizens Advice monthly cost of living briefing
Citizens Advice Policy Team has been holding regular online briefings. If you follow the Policy Team on Eventbrite (using the above link) or register to attend one of their events, you will receive information about future meetings. A recording of the events is available. You can also view the Citizens Advice cost of living data dashboard, which is updated every month to track how the cost of living crisis is changing.

  • A briefing on Tuesday 21 March 2023 was live streamed from the House of Commons, with a panel discussion on the key issues facing policy makers and civil servants. Watch the recording here. Skip forwards to 01:16 where the briefing starts.

Voluntary sector organisations’ response to the rise in cost of living
You can view recordings of this online event (held on Thursday 25 May 2023). The event was organised as a conference by the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership (CVSL). CVSL is an Academic Centre of Excellence and part of The Open University Business School, inviting practitioners, policymakers, funders and researchers to discuss their experiences and share ideas on how the sector can support the communities facing economic challenges.

How to manage rising energy costs - what next for charities?
A recording of this recent webinar with NCVO, SCVO and Utility Aid (held on 9 February 2023) is available to view on YouTube. It explores how to manage rising energy costs and what the new energy schemes will mean for your organisation.

How can trustees navigate the cost of living crisis?
A recording of this online seminar (held on Tuesday 7 March 2023) is available to view on YouTube. Hosted by NPC (New Philanthropy Capital), with funding from and in partnership with the Clothworkers’ Company, it is aimed at trustees and explores how charities can support their beneficiaries during the cost of living crisis.

Navigating the cost of living crisis: advice for charity finance leaders
This online seminar (held on Thursday 9 March 2023) was organised by Third Sector Insight, and is available to view on demand. The seminar considers the impact the cost of living crisis is having on the industry and what charity finance leaders can do to meet the challenge.


National resources

CAF Charity Resilience Index
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) surveyed more than 1,300 organisations and discovered a worrying picture of rising demand and financial uncertainty. This new research found 53% of charities were worried about surviving – up from 35% in April 2022.

Cost of living crisis and no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
This briefing presents an analysis of how people with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) in the UK are faring in the cost of living crisis. This is drawn from a survey carried out by Praxis in April 2023, which was completed by 174 people subject to immigration control.

Cost of living guidance on the NCVO website
A collection of help and guidance for charities from NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations).

Cost of living resources on the MyCommunity website
The resources in this hub have all been designed to support charities and community groups during the cost of living crisis.

Employers and the cost of living
Briefing from Joseph Rowntree Foundation on how to take action to support your employees.

Five ways charities can reduce costs
Ideas from Charity Digital to help you keep your charity’s costs under control in the face of rapidly rising prices.

Mental health and the cost of living crisis
This policy briefing paper from Mental Health Foundation provides an overview of the current and likely effects of the cost of living crisis on mental health.

Six ways to support staff during the cost of living crisis
Ideas from CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) on what your charity can do to help support your employees through the cost of living crisis.

Tackling the cost of living crisis and impacts on health and wellbeing: key actions health and care policy makers, commissioners and provider organisations can take
This resource, launched by members of the VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance in March 2023, discusses how the ongoing cost of living crisis is having a significant impact on health and wellbeing, with particularly acute challenges being faced by those who already experience health inequalities. It identifies six key actions health and care policy makers, commissioners and provider organisations can take to mitigate the impact of the cost of living crisis on people’s health and wellbeing.

Turn2Us leaflets and posters
Turn2Us is a national charity providing practical help to people who are struggling financially. You can request copies of their leaflet and order a poster to promote Turn2Us services to the people you are helping. Information leaflets are free of charge to support organisations who work with people in financial need.