Policy and Research

State of the Sector

As part of our work to present information on the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE) in the city, Nottingham CVS has carried out a number of surveys of the sector. Each of these surveys asked local voluntary organisations about their status, their achievements and challenges, and what pressures they had identified for the future.

This can be a resource-intensive process to complete, if we are to ensure representation and encourage responses which can be meaningfully analysed against other local and national trends. Four State of the Sector surveys have so far been conducted, the last of these covering 2015-2016 and published in 2017.

Update on State of the Sector 2021

It was always our hope that we would be able to engage in this regular mapping activity again. We're pleased to announce that our State of the Sector 2021 survey is now open. NCVS is co-ordinating this, with funding support from Nottingham City Council. Please look out for messages about this important research. Your participation is essential. The survey is open for responses until 30 September 2021.

Participate in State of the Sector 2021

As the sector is increasingly required to navigate a complex and ever-changing funding, commissioning and policy environment, reporting this information is becoming more important than ever.

Previous State of the Sector Reports

(Documents open in a new browser window/tab)

State of the Sector 2015-2016 Full Report (PDF, 30 pages, 1.3MB)
Feeling the squeeze - the Nottingham CVS State of the Voluntary Sector 2015-2016 full report, published in February 2017.

State of the Sector 2014 Full Report (PDF, 37 pages, 1.5MB)
Picking up the pieces - the Nottingham CVS State of the Voluntary Sector 2014 full report, published in September 2014.

State of the Sector 2013 Full Report (PDF, 40 pages, 1.2MB)
The reality cheque: will it cash or bounce? - the Nottingham CVS State of the Voluntary Sector 2013 full report, published in July 2013.

State of the Sector 2012 Full Report (PDF, 32 pages, 1.3MB)
Living 'on the edge': a sector in fear of a perfect storm - the Nottingham CVS State of the Voluntary Sector full report, published in July 2012.

Other Reports

Reflection - 2014 Report on NCVS's work with BME Groups (PDF,12 pages, 0.4MB)
Oversight of our reach to Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) voluntary and community groups during 2013-2014, to help reflect on our work and as a means for inviting feedback, published in May 2014.