NCVS Training Evaluation Form

Thank you for attending a recent webinar session or training event with NCVS. We greatly appreciate you completing this evaluation form in order to help improve our services and future initiatives. Information will be treated as confidential and can be provided anonymously. There is no need to provide your personal details unless you wish to.

A red asterisk indicates an answer is required.

Training Session / Date Attended
Please select the title of the session you attended from the list
You can use the date picker (calendar icon) to most easily select the date. Please select the date you attended the training session, not the date you are completing this form.
How did you hear about this event?

Please tick any of the following that apply:

Your Feedback
To what extent did the session meet your expectations?
To what extent has attending this session improved your understanding?
Will you make changes to your working practices as a result of what you have learned?
How likely are you to apply what you have learned to your day-to-day work?
How likely are you to use any materials provided?
How would you describe your overall experience of the training?
Administration / Technical Issues

How would you rate the following aspects?

Registration / booking process:
Communication / Information received before session:
Accessibility of session
Please share any thoughts or feedback on training provided via Zoom, your own confidence with technology, any connectivity issues you may have experienced etc.
Any Additional Comments
About You and Your Future Training Needs
I attended this session as a ...

If you attended this session on behalf of a group / organisation, please state in which role.

Please select the one option which best fits. You can provide additional information by selecting 'Other'.
Following this session, what do you feel are your future training needs? Is there any other training you would be interested in? Please list any subjects you feel would be of benefit to you and your organisation.

Optional: please provide your name and/or group name if you would like us to personally follow up any issues you have raised, e.g. to let you know when a specific training session is planned, or to discuss bespoke training needs. If relevant to do so, we will contact you using details you supplied when registering for the training session. Once we have reviewed all feedback, any personal details will be stored separately from your evaluation responses.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation form. Please click the Submit button to send your feedback.

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