Working towards a Trauma Informed Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

Our Practice Development Unit (PDU) team, along with Changing Futures, attended a workshop this April to help shape implementation plans for the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Trauma Informed Strategy. As a member of the Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) Trauma Informed Implementation Group, we joined several agency partners to consider priorities and objectives for the partnership over the next year.

Using a P.A.T.H. planning process, we sought to define what a trauma-informed city might look like, outlining our overall vision for the future with consideration of the steps we would need to take as a collective to achieve this.

The Trauma Informed Strategy aims to develop a shared understanding, language, and trauma-informed framework across social care, health, police, fire, education, and the voluntary sector. The strategy seeks to meaningfully engage and bring together organisations across the city and county towards becoming trauma-informed while acknowledging that many partners might be in the early stages of this journey. The strategy covers both children and adult services in recognition that all individuals can experience trauma and adversity during their lives.

You can read more about the strategy here.



Date Posted
Attendees of the workshop writing about their vision for Trauma Informed care