Voices from the Frontline fund

This fund closed to spplications on Monday 9 December 2024

Rosa’s Voices from the Frontline fund has grants of up to £10,000 over 18 months to not-for-profit women’s and girls' organisations to support campaigning and influencing work that enables women and girls to use their voice to achieve change. Rosa defines a women's and girls' organisation as being run by, for, and with women and girls. This means that your organisation will be governed and led by women. It will have a Board of Trustees (or similar) where the Chair is a woman and the majority of members are women. The majority of your organisation’s employee leadership team will be women. Your organisation will have the principal objective of working with women and/or girls, and the majority of your organisation’s beneficiaries are and will always be women and/or girls.

Funding is to be used to raise women’s voices and challenge inequality, including:

  • Campaigning for changes in policy and laws, including activities such as petitions, social media campaigns, and lobbying.
  • National campaigns that address issues that affect women and girls.
  • Influencing community leaders and power holders about issues that affect women and girls in a particular place or community.
  • Gathering evidence or producing tools and reports that enable women and girls and women’s organisations to campaign for change.
  • Video and media campaigns about specific issues facing women.
  • Training activists in campaigning, advocacy, lobbying, or public speaking.

You may also wish to join one of the ‘How to Apply’ webinars:

If you are not able to attend either of these dates, please get in touch, and a recording of the Wednesday 13 November webinar will be shared. Rosa can be contacted by email at info@rosauk.org or by phone at 020 7697 4013.

Click here to read more and apply



Date Posted