Transforming services: using Trauma Informed Principles to change practice

The Changing Futures Programme Director, Bobby Lowen and NCVS Practice Development Unit (PDU) Programme Manager, Katie Hall were invited to speak at a recent conference event “Transforming Services: Using Trauma Informed Principles to Change Practice”. 

This was the final event in a series of three conferences delivered by Small Steps Big Changes (SSBC) designed for the family and children’s workforce which supports the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Trauma Informed Strategy. It brought together colleagues, researchers and partner agencies who support trauma informed care. Presentations explored relationship-focused and trauma informed practice on the front line, including intergenerational trauma, recovery, and resilience.

Bobby and Katie delivered a presentation on the principle of peer support and mutual self-help examining how this can foster a sense of hope, purpose and solidarity, as well as contribute to wider positive system change. They shared learning from the Changing Futures Programme highlighting the work of the lived experience team, peer mentors and Expert Citizen Group (ECG), as well as showcasing the PDU Hub. They also supported workshop discussion around the impacts of sociocultural trauma and how this might present itself in the working relationship.

Over 160 delegates attended on the day from over 30 different local agencies. We are working with colleagues across the partnership to ensure that information and tools that were shared are implemented to maintain a trauma informed approach in practice and support sustainability going forward.

Find out more about the free PDU e-learning suite, including our five modules of training exploring Trauma Informed Care (TIC) and eight modules on Psychologically Informed Environments (PIE).


Date Posted
Presenters on stage at the PDU Transforming Services seminar