The Robin Hood Fund has re-launched for winter 2022-2023

Nottingham CVS is pleased to announce our partnership with the Nottingham Post and the Nottingham Project to re-launch The Robin Hood Fund. This aims to tackle food and energy poverty this winter (2022-2023).

You may recall the Fund from the early days of the pandemic, which raised over £100,000 to shore up food banks and other local provision during uncertain times.

In just under two weeks from the re-launch of the Fund, nearly £4,000 had been raised on the GoFundMe platform. Donations continue to come in through GoFundMe and the Nottingham Post will soon be announcing a very generous donation from a local author.

All funds will be held by and administered by NCVS as a registered charity.

The first phase of the campaign will distribute funds to our local Advice Centres and Food Banks. This will ensure that local people in need have access to supplies to see them through the current cost of living crisis.

Money raised through The Robin Hood Fund will go to Hope Nottingham, the city’s largest food bank, which will ensure that the food bank network receives the extra support to respond to increased needs, while the Citizens' Advice Centres in and across Nottingham will distribute supermarket and energy vouchers to eligible individuals.

Early in 2023, NCVS will announce the details of a small grant programme for local groups and charities facing rising energy costs. We will be developing further guidance and information about the Fund in the coming weeks.



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