Onto pathways new

It's not goodbye. 

NCVS would like to send our well wishes and congratulations to Laura Armitage, Active Travel Social Prescribing Community Development Coordinator, as she begins her new adventure. On Monday 15 April 2024, Laura will become one of the Strategic Walk Lead Notts for Active Partners Trust, a role close to her heart as she helped set the groundwork for the role whilst working within NCVS.

Laura has been a valued member of the NCVS team for over three years, playing a vital role within our GreenSpace and Travel Well projects (including the Walking Network), enabling Public Health to see the benefit of walking as preventative healthcare and improve green spaces in Nottingham, which has initiated changes for the better. Work she hopes to continue and build upon in her new position. 

I have loved working with NCVS and wish every large organisation could second into them; they'd learn a lot about the voluntary sector!

Laura's highlights of her time here are:

  • Launching the NG Walking App.
  • Launching The Big Green Book.
  • Working with all the lovely people at NCVS (in particular Kate, her partner in crime with the GreenSpace and Travel Well projects).

I've really enjoyed seeing NCVS grow as an organisation. I have a background in business development, so to see and be part of an organisation I love develop in the way NCVS has, has been amazing!

We'll be sure to stay in touch with Laura; luckily for us, her new work overlaps with the work NCVS does! If you'd like to get connected with Laura, she can be found on LinkedIn

It's not goodbye; it's see you soon.



Date Posted
Laura Armitage, Active Travel Social Prescribing Community Development Coordinator