A message to Nottingham's Leaders of Volunteers

Dave Thomas, Volunteering Development Officer at NCVS writes ...

Over the last 12 weeks or so, many local community/voluntary groups and charities have involved volunteers in new ways to help support vulnerable people during the pandemic. As lockdown eases, it is likely that some of these volunteers will be returning to work or will have less time to volunteer. As Leaders of Volunteers, we now need to think about what changes we can make so that we can continue to support the people who will still need our help.

At NCVS, we developed a range of temporary volunteering opportunities in response to the coronavirus crisis. In the past couple of weeks, we've now started to see some of these opportunities become permanent. For example, organisations offering befriending have found that telephone and video calling can provide a very useful addition to their traditional face-to-face meetings, so their befriending opportunities for volunteers are being changed to reflect this. New opportunities for remote befrienders are also being set-up.

If you want to take a fresh look at your own volunteering opportunities in response to the pandemic, I would be happy to help you to develop ways to meet the new and changing demands that the post-pandemic world will place on us.

Contact me, Dave Thomas, by calling 07564 040767 or email davet@nottinghamcvs.co.uk.


Date Posted
Dave Thomas, NCVS Volunteering Development Officer