The Leaders of Volunteers Network (LoVN) is both a face-to-face and online network run by NCVS’s Volunteering Development Officer Dave Thomas, where at each meeting there is discussion about different aspects of volunteer management, as well as sharing best practice and information. As part of the Broxtowe project, Helen Oparinde, NCVS Group Support Coordinator, arranged with Dave to take LoVN extra out to Beeston on Tuesday 18 February 2025, here she shares her experience.
The event was held at Middle Street Resource Centre, which is a community centre with a mental health support focus.
The event kicked off with Dave completing an icebreaker where we established that the 34 delegates had a cumulative value of 175 years of knowledge of volunteering!
Delegates included representation from organisations such as the Helpful Bureau, which is based in Stapleford, providing several services including befriending. And Dig in Community Allotment, who also operate in Stapleford, providing a community allotment.
The next part of the agenda was an introduction to the work of Beeston Community Resource CIO, who lease the resource centre from Broxtowe Borough Council. Victor, a volunteer of the gardening group, described how volunteering for the incorporated charity helps 'to occupy his mind'. Mike, their operations manager, explained there are three areas to volunteer at the organisation: reception, garden, and kitchen. And how most staff started out as volunteers for the charity. It was acknowledged that to coordinate and supervise 50 volunteers, they had swapped from an open-door approach to recruitment of volunteers and were now using a more selective approach.

Types of volunteering
The next part of the meeting was a presentation by Dave about the types of volunteering. With details about the different types of volunteering from informal to formal and micro-volunteering.
We discussed what makes a volunteer choose to enquire about a volunteer opportunity and concluded that it is mainly based on a cause-based preference. With the opportunity for volunteers to use their lifetime skills and lived experience.
Where we find volunteers
After a tea break, small group discussions centred on the question of where we find volunteers.
Group One fed back that portals such as Reach Volunteering (national) and NCVS’s volunteer for leaders (local) account were important tools to help volunteer recruitment.
Group Two’s remarks were fed back by Tom from Trent Rivers Trust. The group felt that word of mouth was a successful way of recruiting volunteers. In contrast to the benefits of attending public-facing events, with a recommendation to monitor the effectiveness of these events in achieving the organisation’s recruitment needs.
Group Three’s comments were fed back by Judith from Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, who deliver a free, friendly, and solution-focused connect service in Broxtowe borough helping people to maintain their independence. The group’s observations included advising existing volunteers of new volunteer opportunities, which they might want to swap or volunteer extra for. As well as the effective use of corporate volunteering days using employee skills of social media and marketing.
Finally, Group Four’s views were fed back by Dave from Kimberley Institute Cricket Club. A community amateur sports club that has a club mark accreditation providing both senior cricket and a flourishing youth section, catering for boys and girls from the age of five right through until 19. The group‘s views were that approaching parents of players was an effective source of volunteer recruitment. As well as the use of social media.
The event concluded with Helen providing details of NCVS’s Broxtowe project, including the remaining fully funded courses available and one-to-one support service. Such as Trustee Refresher: Being Better and Assessing the Impact of your Volunteer Programme. Camille from Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust discussed the Wilder Nottinghamshire Network.
And Davia NCVS’s Projects Support Administrator is encouraging groups to wish NCVS a happy 150th birthday.

Next steps
Feedback on the event included:
We both found it really useful connecting to others and understanding how volunteering works in other organisations.
If you would benefit from being involved with the network, then why not join the next regular online LoVN meeting, which is via Zoom on Wednesday 19 March 2025, from 10am to 12 noon. Please register your attendance here.
If you want to know more about our 150th celebrations, click here.
For more details about the Broxtowe project, contact Helen at