Garfield Weston Foundation

There is no deadline for Regular Grants, Major Grants are considered at one of eight board meetings.

Garfield Weston has three grant types available for organisations looking for funding: operating or core cost grants, capital project grants, and project or specific activities grants. Organisations can apply for either the Regular Grant, of up to £100,000 funding or the Major Grant which can provide funds over £100,000.

Organisations applying for a Major Grant must have an income of at least £1 million a year. They can receive bespoke guidance by submitting a summary of their organisation, project and timescale (maximum of two sides of  A4) to

Garfield Weston won't fund: 

  • Individuals
  • Community Interest Companies (CICs)
  • Community Benefit Societies
  • Social enterprises
  • Local authorities or councils

Organisations must also submit their annual accounts, independently audited or examined and a copy of their Charity Commission annual return to be accepted for consideration. Eligibility can be checked here.

Click here for the guidance notes.

Click here to read the FAQs.

Click here for more information and to apply.



Date Posted