The Future of Race Health Inequalities in Nottingham meeting

On Monday 15 July 2024, Jules, Davia, and Billie attended the 'Future of Race Health Inequalities in Nottingham' meeting at Antenna. They were joined by NCVS's newest team member, Helen, our new Group Support Coordinator in Broxtowe. It was Helen's very first day with us, so it was a fantastic opportunity for her to start making connections right away.

The Race Health Inequalities (RHI) leads introduced themselves to the group; it was the first time they'd all met in person! The rest of the room also introduced themselves, and it was great to see representatives from various organisations, including a few familiar faces who used to work at NCVS.

The leads presented the priorities for RHI, which included addressing structural racism, understanding the role of community organisations, and transforming engagement and communication. After a lunch break, we moved on to group tasks. Each group discussed what they believed should be the main focus for RHI within the three stated priorities. There was a strong push towards changing the commissioning process, particularly personalising commissioning, and fostering equality and collaboration between groups. Focusing on outcomes for people, rather than systems, was also a major discussion point.

The VCSE Data and Insights National Observatory at Nottingham Trent University was highlighted as a valuable tool for data collection. If at least 100 organisations participate, Nottingham can have its own page on the dashboard. Wave 7 of this Barometer Survey is open for responses and will close on Wednesday 24 July 2024. You can take part in the survey here.

The leads will design a project plan to present to the group in September. If you'd like to get in touch with them, they can be contacted at

Alternatively, you can find them on LinkedIn:



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