Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

This fund closed to applications on Friday 15 March 2024, 5pm

The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation has funding of up to £120,000 for up to three years for organisations whose work is led by and for young people who have less access to creative programmes or who are underrepresented in arts and culture.

This includes young people who:

  • Are D/deaf, disabled or neurodivergent.
  • Are from communities experiencing racial inequity.
  • Are economically or educationally disadvantaged.
  • Identify as LGBT+.
  • Have migration or care experiences.

Organisations must:

  • Be able to evidence a track record of centering the voices of young people from underrepresented communities.
  • Have most of the young people supported be between fourteen and thirty years old.
  • Prioritise the joy and care of young people.
  • Use art and creativity as a tool for young people to use their voice.
  • Be driving change for the future by doing something new, or by using tried and tested models to push forward.

Organisations that cannot demonstrate the above will not be considered. For a full list of exclusions, please click here.

Funded organisations will be expected to take part in a learning programme, co-designed and facilitated by a Learning Partner. This learning will be reviewed by the Involving Young People Collective and Learning Programme participants.

Click here for the guidance notes.
Click here to submit an expression of interest.
Click here for more information, which includes a recording of their Q and A session.


Date Posted