Community Shares Booster Fund

Rolling deadline until 2025. Panel meets every four to six weeks to discuss applications.

The Booster Fund has relaunched to support new and existing community businesses in England that are at all stages of a community share issue; these could be Community Benefit Societies, Charitable Community Benefit Societies or Co-operative Societies (or be willing to convert into one or set one up). This includes the very early stages of exploring whether it’s the right choice, from planning a community share issue to being ready to launch, or in exceptional cases, recently launched. The programme is funded by Power to Change, Architectural Heritage Fund and Access: The Foundation for Social Investment and is delivered in partnership with Coops UK, Locality, Plunkett Foundation, and Co-operative and Community Finance.

Applicants can apply for one of two grant schemes:

  • Development grants - averaging £5,000, prepare a community share offer.
  • Equity match investment - typically matching pound for pound up to £25,000 invested by the Booster Fund.

Applicants should be working in at least one of the following impact areas:

  • Reduce social isolation.
  • Improve health and wellbeing.
  • Increase employability.
  • Create better access to basic services.
  • Enable greater community cohesion.
  • Foster greater community pride and empowerment.
  • Economic regeneration.

Click here to read the full guidance notes and access the Expression of Interest (EOI) form.

Click here to read more on the Power to Change website, or apply here.



Date Posted