Best wishes as Pauline starts a new adventure

We would like to offer our best wishes to Pauline Dorey, Group Development Officer, as she begins a new role as Advocacy and Participation Officer at Services for Empowerment and Advocacy (SEA). Pauline has been part of the NCVS Team for nearly 5 years, providing group support for our many diverse and inspiring community groups and delivering training on how to write good funding bids, amongst other roles.

Pauline says:

I have really enjoyed working with, supporting, and giving advice to help the development of new and fledgling community groups and organisations and supporting long-standing organisations with strategic, funding, or policy review or developments. Nottingham’s assets are its diverse people and communities and our wealth of lived experience, knowledge, skills, expertise, and community activism.

We are glad to see that Pauline is continuing to use her skills and experience within a great Nottingham charity.



Date Posted
Pauline Dorey, Group Development Officer