Advice for Health

This fund closed for applications on Wednesday 19 June 2024

People’s Health Trust has launched Advice for Health, a funding initiative designed to support mental and physical health. The funding is targeted at grassroots organisations that assist local individuals facing financial and social disadvantage, marginalisation, and discrimination, aiming to reduce anxiety and long-term stress and improve overall health. Funding of between £20,000 and £40,000 is available to fund activities that will last one to two years, it is unlikely that a one-year project would receive the maximum grant amount.

The funding can be used to provide wellbeing and emotional support to help people feel more able to access advice services. It can also be used to improve existing advice services so that they better meet the needs of people experiencing financial and social disadvantage, marginalisation and discrimination. This could mean developing more culturally appropriate services, or carrying out mapping work to understand who the service is not reaching and how best to change.

Successful organisations will:

  • Have an annual income less than £500,000 (applicants with annual incomes higher than this will not be funded, except where the most recent year’s income was higher than usual due to a one-off event, such as a capital project. If this is the case, applicants must speak to them before applying).
  • Be a grassroots community organisation working with people experiencing social and financial disadvantage, marginalisation and discrimination.
  • Have a track record for successfully giving advice.

Advice for Health: Information Session (Webinar)

They will be hosting a webinar for prospective organisations to gain more information on the fund before they apply. Thursday 6 June 2024, 12 noon to 1pm via Teams - register here.

Click here to read the application guidance.

Click here for more information on how to apply.

Click here to register and apply.



Date Posted