Nature Buddies

Nature Buddies banner - connecting people with nature

How to develop and deliver a Nature Buddies scheme

This training session is delivered by Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service (NCVS), in partnership with Natural England.

The online training session (via Zoom) is for people and organisations interested in setting up a Nature Buddies scheme to provide support and increase access to green social prescribing activities and opportunities.

Cost: £10 per participant

You have a choice of dates (please select one):

Thursday 18 January 2024, 9.30am to 12.30pm  Book here

Wednesday 13 March 2024, 9.30am to 12.30pm  Book here

The session is open to anyone considering setting up a Nature Buddies scheme, in a paid or volunteer role, wherever you're based in England. It will appeal to social and horticultural therapy practitioners, green and nature-based providers, environmental groups, community and befriending organisations, voluntary sector infrastructure organisations, and people working in the health sector - but all are welcome.

You may be in the early stages of planning a scheme, just starting to discuss the possibility of a scheme with partners, or simply want to find out more to see if this is something for you and your organisation.

A Nature Buddy is a volunteer whose role is to support individuals at a personalised level to help gradually increase their confidence and ability to enjoy engaging with nature. Many people experience challenges which mean that they find it overwhelming or impossible to take part in life as they would like. Buddies can support a variety of different people with different needs, and particularly people experiencing anxiety, loneliness or social isolation to have the confidence to start taking part and to continue taking part. By overcoming barriers to accessing activities, with support from a Buddy, people can improve their mental and physical health, boost their sense of enjoyment and their quality of life.

Depending on the way the scheme is organised, a Nature Buddy may:

  • Provide regular support to enable people to walk or visit their local parks and green spaces
  • Encourage people who would not normally engage with outdoor environments and share the benefits of what they can gain from being outdoors
  • Provide support to enable people to take part in a green or nature-based activity such as appreciating wildlife or growing food at a community garden.

This training session will:

  • Share the evidence for Nature Buddy schemes using feedback from pilot programmes
  • Explore the role of a Buddy, their qualities and characteristics.
  • Provide a step-by-step guide to setting up and running a Nature Buddy scheme including key principles to guide your scheme
  • Identify the benefits for all stakeholders of a Nature Buddy scheme
  • Discuss the enablers to delivering a successful scheme
  • Explore the challenges you may face in setting up and delivering a successful scheme.

The lead trainer for this session is Amanda Chambers (Health and Wellbeing Programme Manager at NCVS). Amanda was the GreenSpace Programme Manager who led the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Test and Learn pilot as part of the cross-government Green Social Prescribing Programme which launched in 2021.

You have a choice of dates (please select one):

Thursday 18 January 2024, 9.30am to 12.30pm  Book here

Wednesday 13 March 2024, 9.30am to 12.30pm  Book here

If you have any questions about the content of this course, please email

For queries relating to course bookings and administration, please email