PDU Training - How to support those who are grieving

Please register for this event which begins at 10am on Tuesday 14 January 2025.

Participant Details
You may have links to several organisations. Please enter the name of the group or organisation you will be representing at this event. If you are attending as an individual with no group affiliation, please enter 'None'.
Please enter your job title at the above organisation
Please select your role in the organisation, e.g. paid staff member, volunteer
Only fill if 'Other' selected above.


Which sector do you primarily work in? Select one option.
Only fill if 'Other' selected above.


Do you have personal / lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD)?


Is there anything we can do to support you to attend?


How did you find out about this event? Select one option (first or main source).
Only fill if 'Other' selected above.