PDU Training - How to support those who are grieving

This event is currently full. Please contact pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk if you would like to be added to the reserve list.
This full-day interactive workshop is delivered in person. It will help you to acquire skills, knowledge and strategies to use in your workplace and everyday life to have sensitive conversations around grief and offer effective support, both to people working in your organisation and those accessing your services.


What will you learn?
This interactive workshop is designed to help individuals become familiar with the nature of grief and how to go about supporting people in their loss. This session has a general focus on grief and bereavement and offers a great space to develop a baseline understanding of how to offer effective support to those who are grieving.

The training will cover:

  • Psychoeducation on grief and associated difficulties
  • Explore psychological models of grief
  • Increase understanding of Anticipatory grief
  • How to have difficult conversations and address conflict
  • How to support others through showing empathy and compassion 
  • How to support ourselves and develop personal resilience 
  • Signposting and resources

Please note: this training is designed to upskill people in their knowledge, skills and confidence to support people who are grieving. This course is NOT a grief support group, or a space to receive bereavement support/therapy.

Where is the training delivered?
In person at The Broadway Cinema, Nottingham (The Studio, 14-18 Broad Street, Nottingham NG1 3AL).

Duration: This session runs from 10am to 3pm with scheduled breaks.

Who should sign up?

  • This training is targeted at a range of staff, including those in direct service delivery, managers, and may also be of interest to people within Human Resources departments who can influence policy and practice to develop psychologically-informed support for the workforce.
  • It is open to anyone with a desire to increase their skills and confidence in supporting people who experience grief.

We also are running sessions on ‘Working therapeutically with grief’ which is targeted more specifically at those working directly with service users or with a remit for supporting staff wellbeing, with a focus on prolonged or traumatic grief.

Is lunch provided?
Lunch is not included, although refreshments will be provided. A lunch break is scheduled and the Broadway café will be open should people wish to use the onsite catering options.

About our trainers
Our trainers have received bespoke training developed by a clinical psychologist from The Loss Foundation who specialises in bereavement support and contemporary psychological models of grief. A range of local organisations have agreed to support the roll out of this initiative and will be offered continued support over the next year to do this through the PDU and the Framework psychology team.

Funded by
This course has been funded by Framework, Nottingham Changing Futures and Nottingham City Council’s Covid Recovery Fund.

Cancellation Policy
Please note: This training is being held face to face. Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you cannot attend the training.

If you are unable to attend due to sickness on the day please inform us by email. We are also able to accept an alternative delegate in your place - their name will need to be provided before the start of the session by email to pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk

Failure to attend without notice will be classed as no show and may prevent you from being permitted to take part in future PDU sessions.

If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know on our booking form. We might be in touch to discuss any necessary adjustments we can make, so you can fully engage in the training.

How do I make a booking?
To book your place on this session (26th February 2025), please click the “Register Now” button to complete the form. Alternative dates are available here.

At this present moment in time, we are limiting registrations to 2 people per organisation/service per session to enable a wider range of partners to benefit from this training offer. We will contact you after you register to inform you if this affects your booking.

Any questions?
For more information, please visit www.nottinghamcvs.co.uk/bereavement-and-loss or contact pdu@nottinghamcvs.co.uk

26th February, 2025 from 10:00 AM to  3:00 PM
The Studio
Broadway Cinema
14-18 Broad Street