PDU Employability and Skills Community of Practice

 Registration is closed for this event
An online forum for professionals, volunteers and people with lived experience of severe and multiple disadvantage (SMD) who are passionate about employability, skills led recovery and resettlement, or new to this area and curious to learn more.


This Community of Practice (CoP) meets bimonthly on Wednesday mornings from 10am to 12 noon. All our sessions are online and are facilitated via Zoom.

This session takes place on Wednesday 17 April 2024.

Our theme this time is Ask the Experts – DWP: 

For this session we have arranged for a DWP guest speaker to join our Community of Practice to answer the questions we have compiled from members of both Employability CoPs, to clarify some of the issues that cause workers and service users confusion in relation to employment and training. 

Intended audience:
This CoP is aimed at any professionals and volunteers who see the benefits of employability and would like to do more in their roles. It is most appropriate for those in frontline service provision across sectors, including housing, recovery, mental health, primary care, domestic abuse, and SMD services, among others.  

We also welcome people who have lived experience of SMD, that are keen to share their expertise in this area and help contribute to positive system change.

Ongoing attendance:
To promote continuity and to gain maximum learning we encourage participants to attend all sessions of this CoP, or to nominate a colleague to attend on your behalf. Our community of practice is rooted in partnership, we want to ensure that a range of services and voices are represented.

Register now to confirm your place.

17th April, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
PDU interactive online session via Zoom
Phone: 07483 449557 / 07541 911 000