Deeper Dive into Writing Funding Applications - CANCELLED

 Registration is closed for this event
Due to staff changes, we're currently reviewing the delivery of our Top Tips for Writing Funding Applications and Deeper Dive into Writing Funding Applications training, and all sessions previously scheduled for 2024/25 have been postponed.


This online training will give you the opportunity to practice your skills and receive supportive and constructive feedback, helping you to develop your ability to write successful funding applications further.
Cost: £20 per participant


Who is this training for?

If you’re new to applying for funding or need a refresher and would like an opportunity to practice your skills in writing funding applications whilst receiving supportive feedback, this training is for you.

This training is suitable for paid members of staff, volunteers, trustees, committee members, directors, or community activists.

We also deliver complementary training called “Top Tips for Writing Funding Applications”. Depending on your bid writing experience and learning needs, we recommend you attend this training as well. You don’t need to attend the training in any order.

What will I learn from this training?

From attending this training, you’ll:

  • Practice completing key elements of a funding application in a supportive group setting, and gain constructive feedback to develop your skills
  • Learn how to avoid common mistakes in writing funding applications 
  • Learn how to identify and develop skills for writing a strong funding application

You’ll also be given opportunities to ask questions throughout.

Before attending this training, please identify a project that you may like to apply for funding for or bring along an example of a previous project that you’ve been involved with. Please also be prepared to write notes during the session, either on a device or with pen and paper.

Who will be delivering this training?

Pauline Dorey, Group Development Officer at NCVS, whose experience includes community development, neighbourhood regeneration and delivering training for the VCSE sector.

How will this training be delivered?

This training will be delivered online via Zoom. It’ll be interactive and may use various tools and training methods, which the trainer will support you with using. To get the most out of this training, please make sure you have a stable internet connection, working camera and microphone, and a quiet space to join us from.


If you have any accessibility needs, please let us know on our booking form. We might be in touch to discuss any necessary adjustments we can make, so you can fully engage in the training. Closed captions can be enabled during all our online training.

How do I make a booking?

To make a secure, online booking for this training, please click the “Register Now” button and follow the instructions. Please note that payment by credit or debit card will be required.


If you have any questions about this training or have a booking query, please contact us by calling 0115 934 8400 or emailing


21st May, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
NCVS interactive online session
Event Fee(s)
Standard fee per participant £20.00