Pop-up banners

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Today we continued thinking about how to share the discoveries we’ve made in the project.

We started by looking at other pop up banners that NCVS has used, and thinking about their purpose. We analysed the style to think about how they were designed to achieve this, and if they were for a particular type of audience. After this we looked at photos of pop up banners produced by other heritage projects, sites and groups. Together we drew up a list of general guidelines for the design of our own banners that we wanted to follow. We didn’t want our banners to have too much text, and we felt that to be effective they needed to be eye-catching and quite direct. 

We also felt that it’s important that our banners are as accessible as possible. We would like our banners to be seen by people from a whole range of backgrounds, including people with disabilities and speakers of English as a second language. This means that we want to make sure that the design, colours, text and language are all suitable for a wide range of people, including people who are new to heritage or to Victorian England.

We then started thinking about the subjects for our banners. We looked at the material that we had found in the case studies and discussed which groups of people we wanted to, and should, include. There was a lot of debate over this, as we had a number of groups to choose from.  We needed to decide how to narrow these down, and on what basis we should make these decisions.

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