Applications must be received by Monday 11 September 2023 and bursaries will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Civil Society Media is offering 10 bursary places to people with protected characteristics, giving free access to their events and publications. Applicants will be able to choose any three items from the Civil Society Media portfolio, providing a likely benefit of around £500. The aim is to support the charity sector to become more reflective of the diverse communities it serves and to redress some of the existing imbalances. To apply for a bursary place, you must be a person of a protected characteristic (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation) who is employed by or volunteers as a trustee for a charity. The organisation is particularly interested in hearing from people who have never been to a Civil Society Media event before, and who may not ordinarily be able to attend. Download their brochure or visit for further details of the products on offer. |