Do you provide services for people who need support? Nottingham City Council are inviting you to join them for a one-off event where they will update you on the findings of their draft joint Carers' Strategy Co-produced by Nottingham City Council, Nottinghamshire County Council and NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG As partner organisations they are now working together to review and re-commission services which support unpaid carers of all ages, across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. This includes: - Raising awareness of unpaid carers and enabling them to access support earlier
- Providing information, advice, and guidance
- Providing individual and group support for carers (including young carers)
- Providing breaks from the caring role
Tuesday 19 July 1.30pm-3pm Online via Microsoft Teams To inform and shape the new services that they will commission, they are seeking the views of partners across Health, Social Care, unpaid carers, carer support organisations and other community partners. . You will have the opportunity to discuss and feedback on options for how the new services should look together with carers, partners, and community organisations.
They hope to record the session for those who are unable to attend. Please book a place by emailing your name