6 June 2022, 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm Online, Zoom, New Philanthropy Capital The cost of living crisis is becoming a reality for nearly everyone that the charity sector supports. After having come through the Covid-19 pandemic, many in the sector are justifiably concerned for the resilience of organisations which their research suggested was already stretched thin before the pandemic began. With a dangerous potential combination of increased demand, reduced access to volunteers, inflationary pressures on income and reduced donations, it is unclear whether organisations around the country will weather the shock this time. Many organisations are already gearing up to shift services, or expand their work to meet needs. However, with the rise in the use of food banks predating the pandemic, they have seen charities increasingly forced to take on a role that they would not have done in the past. This has come to a head in this crisis but was not entirely caused by it. This event will explore: - What role charities are currently playing in our society.
- What the deeper causes of this shift is.
- What role we think they should be playing.
At this event you will hear perspectives on the current crisis, what wider changes you need to see for charities to be able to continue to serve their communities, and what role charities have in bringing those changes about. Speakers include, Sumi Rabindrakumar, Head of Policy and Research at The Trussell Trust and Molly Broome, Economist at the Resolution Foundation.